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Tamils convene in Paris for global mobilisation

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tamil Diaspora representatives from five continents assembled in Paris, France between 29 and 31 August to hold the first convention of the Global Tamil Forum (GTF).

The dire situation faced by the Tamil people in Sri Lanka was discussed and action programs were deliberated to address their immediate needs. Over the 3 days of the conference GTF constitution was also adopted unanimously by the country representatives. Dr. Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam (PhD Cornell University) was elected as the President of GTF.


The immediate goal of the Global Tamil Forum is to unite the Tamil Diaspora throughout the world while working with the international community to get the 300,000 Tamil detainees currently imprisoned against their will in the internment camps in the North of the island released. GTF will also vigorously pursue and bring to justice the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity.


“People are dying in large numbers due to communicable diseases in these overcrowded camps and children are suffering from malnutrition. Those interned in the camps are also being subjected to torture, rape, disappearance, extra-judicial killing and numerous other human rights violations while the Tamils outside the camps dare not speak out on behalf of these people for fear of being abducted, tortured and murdered themselves.” said a participant from Australia.


Another participant from Germany stated that, “The magnitude of this humanitarian crisis warrants an enormous and co-ordinated response from international, local humanitarian aid agencies and the Tamil Diaspora similar to  that during 2004 Tsunami. Yet the Sri Lankan state continues to violate international humanitarian law and limit access to the internment camps by humanitarian agencies and the ICRC. Family members and independent media
are also denied access because the Government fears its war crimes will be exposed. This has made Tamils the world over realise the need to use the strength of our unity to protect our people.”


GTF, while adhering to the principles of democracy and non-violence, endeavours to be inclusive in bringing together Tamil Diaspora of all walks of life under their respective country organisations to take the tasks in hand forward. GTF will seek to engage with all communities in Sri Lanka and the international community to achieve its goals.