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GTF meets with US Assistant Secretary Blake

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

GTF met with US Assistant Secretary Blake as it continues to engage the global community to bring focus to the resolution of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka.

The GTF was delegation lead by its President, Rev. Father S.J.Emmanuel (Germany) included President of the USTPAC, Dr. Elias Jeyarajah, Mrs. Grace Williams (USA) and Suren Surendiran (UK).


Representatives of the Global Tamil Forum, met with the United States Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Honourable Robert Blake on Monday, 28 March 2011 at the U.S. State Department in Washington. The meeting between the Assistant Secretary and the GTF was organised by the United States Tamil Political Action Council (USTPAC).


GTF highlighted the current plight of the Tamil people in the North-East. Key concerns of the Tamil people and ways of addressing their grievances were discussed at length. The recent communication from the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) was also shared with Assistant Secretary Blake and his team.