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TNA and GTF to attend discussion on Lanka

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) will be attending a discussion in Switzerland on Sri Lanka next week.

The discussion, organized by the KOFF Centre for Peacebuilding, is taking place as the UN Human Rights Council meets in Geneva with Sri Lanka also on the agenda.

Titled “The Current Context in Sri Lanka:  Opportunities & Challenges Ahead”, the discussion in Bern will see the participation of TNA MP M.A. Sumanthiran, GTF spokesman Suren Surenthiran and also Asanga Welikala, Senior Researcher of the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA).

Organizers said that the parliamentary elections in August 2015 confirmed that Sri Lanka is undergoing a process of dramatic changes since the election of President Sirisena in January 2015 and the subsequent formation of a coalition government.

This KOFF Sri Lanka Roundtable aims at providing a space for exchange on the current context, on opportunities and challenges ahead, as well as on the outcomes and potential of initiatives such as the dialogue meeting in Singapore to support future negotiations for political solutions and a peaceful transformation of the conflict. 

Colombo Gazette