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'The Horrendous Lie'

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

In the Sri Lanka Guardian, Rev. Dr. S.J. Emmanuel, GTF President, responds to an editorial on him in the 30th September 2014 edition of Sri Lanka's Daily News.

The Editorial published by the Daily News, a state own nwespaper, in its edition of 30th Sept.2014, accuses me of being racist and you are basing your accusation on the assumption that I compared Parabaharan to Jesus Christ. I never said or wrote any such Thing in my life.
Some years ago, one Mr. Weerasinghe from Canada made this Statement in the media and I laughed over it as a wild and mad accusation.
Unfortunately it was taken into Google, and later many innocent People repeated it. I felt very sad about this horrendous lie being repeated.
As I explained in my interviews, I am not a mad or foolish man to make such a comparison - I never made any such or similar Statement.
From 1973- 1986, I was involved as Professor and Dean of the faculty of theology, in the National Seminary in Kandy and contributed to the education and Formation of over 300 Sinhalese priests - five of them are Bishops today. I met These Bishops in May this year in Rome.
As prefect of studies in the Seminary, I have been more than once to invite a Buddhist Monk from the Kandy Maha Vihara to teach Buddhism to our priest-students.
Hence I have been and still a friend of the Sinhalese and the Buddhists - as Claimed in my interview to the Sri Lanka Guardian some months back. I love the Sinhala People and the Buddhist Religion.
But I am a Defender of my People and criticise the Government and their Actions as well as extremists who want to oppress or discriminate the other ethnic and religious Groups.
I will continue to struggle for true peace in Sri Lanka based on human equality and justice.
Please give Publicity and help me to be better understood.
The editorial this article is related to can be found here: