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'GTF hails US resolution, echoes TNA’s call for immediate int’l probe'

Friday, March 28, 2014

Article in The Island regarding GTF's views on the UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka.


The UK based Global Tamil Forum (GTF) has called for the launch of an immediate inquiry into alleged war crimes allegations in the wake of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopting a US-led resolution against Sri Lanka.


GTF spokesman Suren Surendiran stressed on the importance of the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) given strong support to undertake the investigation as quickly as possible. The GTF official said: "We share the Tamil National Alliance’s view that an inquiry should happen as soon as possible to ensure that further evidence of breaches of international law are not erased by the Government of Sri Lanka."


The GTF told The Island that Tamils in Sri Lanka and world over were very disappointed and hurt by the Indian abstention. Responding to a query by The Island, GTF spokesperson, Suren Surendiran said: "India’s action is a devastating let down! Considering that 75 million Tamils live in Tamil Nadu alone, their feelings have been ignored completely by the decision makers. However GTF is moved and elated by the continuous support by Tamils in Tamil Nadu, the civil society all-over India and the media in India in general"