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'Global Tamil Forum says death of Dr. JJ a great loss'

Sunday, June 2, 2013

GTF Tribute, from Rev. Dr S.J. Emmanuel, to UNP MP Dr. Jayalath Jayawardana, in The Island.


The UK based Global Tamil Forum (GTF) has said that sudden passing away of UNP MP Dr. Jayalath Jayawardana is a great loss to Tamil speaking people, whose plight received the attention of the Gampaha District politician. The GTF said that Jayawardana was a genuine Christian politician who served people of all faith unreservedly.


The following is the full text of a statement issued by Rev. Father S. J. Emmanuel, GTF leader based in Germany: "With the passing away of Dr. Jaylath, so early in life, Sri Lanka loses a genuine courageous politician who combined his humanitarian and religious values in serving the people – especially those affected by discriminations and violence. As a Tamil catholic priest, who had known him for many years for his interest and services to people of Wanni as well as for his keen interest in restoring the human rights of all, I bear witness to his good Christian life and service. Even recently, in the company of Bishop R. Joseph of Mannar, he was visiting victims of war in the prisons.


Here was a man who besides suffering false accusations, threats and even man-handling from his own politicians, went out of his way to travel to war-torn areas to serve the people. He was so altruistic that he was more interested in serving others than his own self or family. He did not possess great wealth to get the necessary medical services in the western world. In his agonising hours of suffering false accusations, he had called on me to get the help of human rights organisations in Geneva.


He had a deep devotion to Our Lady of Madhu and contributed much in improving conditions at Madhu. His religious practice as a catholic layman extended beyond pilgrimages and feasts. He crossed religious and ethnic boundaries to bend down to give solace and comfort, aid and medicine to the needy.


Tamils in Sri Lanka, especially in Wanni, as well as those in Diaspora, do appreciate the human and religious qualities of this rare politician. At a time when we need more politicians from the South, from among the majority Sinhala community, to stand up for genuine democratic and humanitarian values, which can build up a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and peaceful country, his passing away is a big loss for the future of Sri Lanka.


I express my prayerful condolence to the members of his family, to the members of the United National Party and pray God to reward him with Eternal Life."