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Diaspora Tamil organization urges Sri Lankans to consolidate the recent progressive changes

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The UK-based Diaspora Tamil organization, Global Tamil Forum (GTF) has urged all the citizens of Sri Lanka including the Tamils to vote carefully at the upcoming parliamentary elections to consolidate the progressive changes and gains made after the January 8th presidential election.

The organization, without naming any political party or leader, urged all Sri Lankans "to do their historic duty" at the upcoming Parliamentary elections by carefully voting for the parties and candidates with the "main objective of consolidating the progressive changes and gains made during the recent past."

In a statement, the Diaspora organization on Saturday said the January 8th presidential election which elected President Maithripala Sirisena was a turning point in the recent political history of the country and the election outcome brought changes that were recognized and welcomed across the world.

"Undoubtedly that election outcome brought welcome changes that included the adoption of the progressive 19th amendment to the constitution, the expansion of the democratic space available for freedom of expression and rule of law, and the reduced fear for the minority communities from ethno-religious extremism," the GTF statement said.

The GTF said it is the duty of all responsible Sri Lankan citizens to ensure that these "tenuous beginnings" are consolidated without giving any chance for their reversal.

The GTF highlighted that for the Tamil people, although the human right issues and their aspirations for meaningful power sharing are yet to be addressed, there were early signs of goodwill as reflected in actions such as - the appointment of civilian governors for the Northern and Eastern Provinces, the release of small parcels of lands to the rightful owners and the release of some prisoners detained under the Prevention of Terrorism Act.

"It is our belief that these positive developments, together with the new found political optimism and will, could be further strengthened after the August election, fortifying the hands of those who want to resolve the long standing Tamil national problem for the benefit of the entire country," the organization said.

According to the GTF, the resolution of the Tamil problem invariably will involve meaningful negotiations between the Government of Sri Lanka, the elected representatives of the Tamil people and other relevant stakeholders. The GTF expects that the International Community too will play a constructive role in this process.

In this context, according to the Tamil organization, the parliamentarians elected by the Tamil people will have multiple roles to play, including addressing their constituents' concerns at the electorate level and articulating and negotiating on behalf of the Tamil community as a whole at the Sri Lankan Parliament or with the foreign governments or non-governmental organizations.

Noting the role of the major Tamil party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), the GTF said the party has earned the recognition and respect of the Tamils, the representatives of other communities in Sri Lanka and the key international players including India, by carefully and consistently articulating the concerns, grievances and aspirations of the Tamil people and through their several, overwhelming election victories in the recent past.

"GTF works closely with TNA as the elected representatives of our people, and our partnership has been crucial in some of the diplomatic initiatives and achievements made in our adopted countries as well as at international institutions such as the UNHRC."

"It is our collective view that a strong and tested representation of Tamil interests spanning across the entire Northern and Eastern provinces, together with victory for the progressive forces in the South that advocate democracy and good governance, will greatly enhance the chances of achieving a negotiated political resolution, accountability, justice and sustainable reconciliation in Sri Lanka," the statement said.

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