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Australian foreign minister discusses ongoing Tamil concerns with TNA and diaspora groups

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA), Global Tamil Forum (GTF) and Australian Tamil Congress (ATC) met with the Australian foreign minister, Julie Bishop and department of foreign affairs and trade officials (DFAT) on Thursday, discussing ongoing Tamil concerns and the ground reality in the North-East.

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA), Global Tamil Forum (GTF) and Australian Tamil Congress (ATC) met with the Australian foreign minister, Julie Bishop and department of foreign affairs and trade officials (DFAT) on Thursday, discussing ongoing Tamil concerns and the ground reality in the North-East.

“Good meeting with Tamil National Alliance MP Mr. Sumanthiran and Tamil Diaspora representatives on recent developments in Sri Lanka and support for reconciliation,” tweeted Ms Bishop following the meeting. 

Representatives from the TNA, GTF and ATC also met with her opposition counterpart, Tania Plibersek, and the leader of the Australian Green party, Christine Milne, as well as addressing a forum attended by the minister for immigration and multicultural affairs, Peter Dutton, and a cross-party group of parliamentarians. 



Tamil groups meet with shadow foreign minister, Tania Plibersek
Tamil groups meet with the minister for immigration and multicultural affairs, Peter Dutton, and a cross-party group of parliamentarians


GTF spokesperson, Suren Surendiran and TNA MP M. A. Sumanthiran meet with the leader of the Australian Green party, Christine Milne

Tamil Guardian