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GTF in the Media

Top Tamil diaspora head holds meeting with Foreign Secretary23 December 2017

The head of a leading Tamil diaspora group says he had talks with Foreign Secretary Prasad Kariyawasam and other Foreign Ministry officials in Colombo.

Accusers, co-sponsor struggling to cope up with Naseby revelations05 December 2017

Five years after the release of the Report of the Secretary General’s Panel of Experts (PoE) on Accountability in Sri Lanka, in March 2011.

UNSG Spokesman: Decision to revisit resolution in the hands of UNHRC members30 November 2017

Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) could revisit resolution 30/1 titled ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’ top UN official said on Wednesday.

UN having private meetings in Colombo22 November 2017

Former Royal Air Force (RAF) pilot Michael Wolfgang Laurence Morris, or Lord Naseby, has severely rattled the UN, relentlessly pursuing a war crimes investigation, in Sri Lanka, in accordance with Geneva Resolution 30/1, adopted on Oct. 1, 2015.

Who is really behind the New Constitution-making process in Sri Lanka?01 November 2017

There is currently a debate about the drafting of a ‘New Constitution’ for the country among the academic community and the general public in Sri Lanka.

GTF’s Fr. Emmanuel on low profile visit for reconciliation25 September 2017

Fr. S.J. Emmanuel, leader of the UK based Global Tamil Forum (GTF), arrived in Sri Lanka last week on what his organisation officials describe as a “low profile” visit.

Top Tamil diaspora leader visits Sri Lanka for talks21 September 2017

A top leader of the Tamil diaspora is in Sri Lanka for the first time since a ban on him and his organisation was lifted. Global Tamil Forum (GTF) President, Father S. J. Emmanuel had talks in Colombo and Jaffna during his visit.

Press Releases

Concerted actions by domestic pro-democracy elements and the international community are musts to restore parliamentary democracy in Sri Lanka12 November 2018

Sri Lanka’s constitutional crisis is deepening. Only a few days ago, President Sirisena ominously warned that he had more ‘tools’ at his disposal, implying more to come in the ‘constitutional coup’ he had set in motion. True to his word and on top of his earlier actions, including illegal transfer of power from a sitting Prime Minister and proroguing the Parliament without consulting the Speaker, President Sirisena has dissolved the Parliament without any legitimate explanation. The Global Tamil Forum (GTF) condemns these unconstitutional and illegal actions in the strongest possible terms.

Global Tamil Forum (GTF) urges the international community to do all that is needed to swiftly restore constitutional processes in Sri Lanka01 November 2018

President Sirisena while addressing the United Nations General Assembly on September 26th, urged the world to look at Sri Lanka with ‘a fresh pair of eyes’ considering the “tremendous progress” made by his government towards reconciliation, restoration of democratic freedom, human rights and the rule of law. He went on to announce, “I am pleased to state that I was able to relinquish these emperor-like excessive powers and transfer them to the Parliament of Sri Lanka, fulfilling the utmost duty of an elected leader.” It is indeed an irony of the highest degree, exactly a month later, on October 26th, President Sirisena unconstitutionally sacked the Prime Minister and then prorogued the Parliament without consulting its Speaker, with the aim to give time ‘to alter the balance of power by unscrupulous means.’

Global Tamil Forum welcomes the appointment of Michelle Bachelet as the UN Human Rights High Commissioner18 August 2018

The Global Tamil Forum (GTF) would like to congratulate former President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, on her appointment as the seventh UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. We also express our appreciation to the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, in facilitating the appointment of such an eminent person with indisputable record of national and global leadership on human rights.

Global Tamil Forum deplores reintroduction of capital punishment for drug trafficking in Sri Lanka16 July 2018

The Global Tamil Forum (GTF) deplores reports that the Sri Lankan cabinet committee has decided to reintroduce death penalty for those convicted of drug trafficking. GTF is deeply concerned that the desire to reintroduce death penalty -after a period of more than 40 years of moratorium- fits into an emerging pattern in the country where toying with extreme ideas are becoming mainstream and acceptable.

Global Tamil Forum calls for concerted attempts by all concerned to address accountability issues in Sri Lanka12 August 2017

The Global Tamil Forum (GTF) is dismayed that more than eight years after the end of war, Sri Lanka has yet to demonstrate that it is genuinely committed to addressing the accountability issues occurred during the brutal armed conflict. Despite twice co-sponsoring UNHRC resolutions calling for comprehensive transitional justice measures, the present coalition government has not lived up to its commitments and yet to take any meaningful steps in this respect.