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Deepam TV Interview with GTF & TNA23 September 2015

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GTF in the Media

Top Tamil diaspora head holds meeting with Foreign Secretary23 December 2017

The head of a leading Tamil diaspora group says he had talks with Foreign Secretary Prasad Kariyawasam and other Foreign Ministry officials in Colombo.

Accusers, co-sponsor struggling to cope up with Naseby revelations05 December 2017

Five years after the release of the Report of the Secretary General’s Panel of Experts (PoE) on Accountability in Sri Lanka, in March 2011.

UNSG Spokesman: Decision to revisit resolution in the hands of UNHRC members30 November 2017

Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) could revisit resolution 30/1 titled ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’ top UN official said on Wednesday.

UN having private meetings in Colombo22 November 2017

Former Royal Air Force (RAF) pilot Michael Wolfgang Laurence Morris, or Lord Naseby, has severely rattled the UN, relentlessly pursuing a war crimes investigation, in Sri Lanka, in accordance with Geneva Resolution 30/1, adopted on Oct. 1, 2015.

Who is really behind the New Constitution-making process in Sri Lanka?01 November 2017

There is currently a debate about the drafting of a ‘New Constitution’ for the country among the academic community and the general public in Sri Lanka.

GTF’s Fr. Emmanuel on low profile visit for reconciliation25 September 2017

Fr. S.J. Emmanuel, leader of the UK based Global Tamil Forum (GTF), arrived in Sri Lanka last week on what his organisation officials describe as a “low profile” visit.

Top Tamil diaspora leader visits Sri Lanka for talks21 September 2017

A top leader of the Tamil diaspora is in Sri Lanka for the first time since a ban on him and his organisation was lifted. Global Tamil Forum (GTF) President, Father S. J. Emmanuel had talks in Colombo and Jaffna during his visit.

Press Releases

Beyond Victory Parades and Commemorations Only Realism, Truth and Justice can lead us to Peace - 18th May 2009 – one reality with two consequences17 May 2015

Today the 18th of May 2015 will be commemorated by all Sri Lankans as a turning point in the history of relations between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. The end of the war between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE meant two entirely different things with different rationale to justify their actions.
For the Government it was a victory over Tamil terrorism, end of a war and beginning of peace. But for the Tamils it was the culmination of another mass massacre of militants and civilians and the beginning of incarcerations and further militarization, robbing of lands and missing of persons.
One reality gave birth to two entirely different interpretations and consequences!

GTF congratulates President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe on passing of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution01 May 2015

Global Tamil Forum (GTF) congratulates the leadership shown by all Sri Lankan political parties and their Parliamentarians, and in particular the leadership shown by President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe on successfully adopting the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. Passing of the 19th amendment along with other steps taken to democratise the state and its institutions have significantly altered the unfortunate political culture and practices adopted in Sri Lanka in the recent past. These newly adopted progressive changes annul the trend set by the previous regime, and effectively place the country back in the right course to work towards more meaningful and democratic constitutional changes in the future.

Dialogue on promoting reconciliation and strengthening of democracy in Sri Lanka05 April 2015

As part of an on-going dialogue process towards promoting reconciliation and strengthening of democracy in Sri Lanka, the Government of Switzerland and the In Transformation Initiative (ITI) from South Africa, invited a group of political, civil society, academic, diaspora and other international stakeholders including an observer from the Government of Australia to a meeting in Singapore from 3 to 5 April 2015.

This is a continuation of dialogues on strengthening democracy and promoting sustainable peace in Sri Lanka, and is consistent with several other initiatives of the Government of Switzerland and ITI that included various meetings and visits by Sri Lankan government ministers and senior officials, opposition and ruling party members, as well as other stakeholders including diaspora representative groups.

Prime Minister Modi’s historic visit to Sri Lanka can induce speedy resolution of the humanitarian and political concerns of the Tamil people11 March 2015

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Sri Lanka this week, the first bilateral visit by an Indian Prime Minister in over 25 years, is undoubtedly an event of enormous significance. The expected visit by the Indian Prime Minister to Jaffna in the Tamil-majority North is historic first. The Global Tamil Forum (GTF) wholeheartedly welcomes these developments.

The recent changes of governments in India and Sri Lanka have significantly altered the geopolitical dynamics of the region. These developments have also created opportunities for the successful resolution of the Tamil national issue, a feat if accomplished, will usher the Indo-Lanka economic and political relations into a different era. Prime Minister Modi’s visit at such a crucial time is potentially transformational.

GTF calls upon President Sirisena to address concerns of the war affected Tamil people and to work towards meaningful political resolution05 March 2015

GTF welcomes the democratic transition process initiated by the new government under the leadership of President Sirisena, which includes the increased space presently available for freedom of expression and rule of law. The 100 day program initiated by the government that aims to crystallise the new governance norms through constitutional amendments is of huge significance for the long term future of Sri Lanka.

The appointment of civilian governors for the Northern and Eastern Provinces is a very important step in the right direction. The demand for these appointments was consistently ignored by the previous regime. It is our belief that these positive developments, if garnered properly, will provide stepping stones to resolve the long standing Tamil national problem in Sri Lanka.

Unfortunately, the record of the government to-date, in addressing most pressing Tamil and other minority issues has been somewhat disappointingly slow. A sense of despair is slowly creeping up among sections of the Tamil population, particularly among those who have been displaced from their land, or kept imprisoned for years, or lost loved ones during the war and waiting for justice, or those still searching for their missing relatives.